Kalen loves to give her Daddy kisses. And sometimes I get a little jealous that Mommy doesn't get them as much as he does, until I come across pictures like this!
So sweet! They just adore each other!
Monday, August 31
She Loves Her Daddy
Tuesday, August 18
On the Farm
While we were in Michigan we had a little photo shoot with the kids on a local farm. Aunt Michelle took most of the pictures, but I was able to get a couple too:)
Here are a few of my favorites: Tyler giving Kalen one of his typical hugs, almost strangling her in the process.
I love this one! I was tickling them in-between shots so they had “real” smiles!
Then, of course, Kalen had to change her outfit.
I loved the rustic setting! I need to find a place like that around here.
Thursday, August 13
One of Tyler’s favorite activities when we were in Michigan was going to the Trout Farm. He absolutely LOVED it, and we loved watching him get so excited! At the trout farm it’s pretty much guaranteed that you are going to catch some fish!
And he did catch a lot of fish!
Look at how excited he was! He caught them for the most part all by himself! Grandpa maybe had to help him hook them a couple times, but other than that it was all Ty! It was so much fun to watch his big smile and laughing while he had a fish on!
Tyler would have kept fishing all afternoon, but we had to stop him after 5 (they cost money ya know). That was enough for dinner and a little extra.
Did I mention that he was scared of the fish? He wanted nothing to do with them once they were out of the water! He did touch one with his finger, but that was it!
I think this is an activity every Grandpa should take his Grandson to do!! It was a Big Success!!
Saturday, August 8
Girl with Pigtails
Kalen has pigtails in for the first time today! We think it’s just adorable!!
I’m sure you’ll be seeing this look more often!
Aunt Jess…this post is for you! :)
By the way, I know I’ve been MIA and I’m going to try to get back into blogging this week. July just FLEW right by! This kids and I just came home from Florida and I’m trying to get back into the routine of things!