We are on the go here, constantly doing something! This week is Vacation Bible School at church and I am teaching the 2 year olds. I have helped out with VBS before, but this is my first time teaching, and I have been loving it! Tyler and Kalen love it too! Kalen is asleep just after we get out of the parking lot so I know that they are keeping her busy!
It just seems like June has flown by! We have been swimming, going to the movies, to book club, and boating. Next week will probably slow down for a little bit, but at the end of the week the kids and I are going on a road trip to Michigan!
I just wanted to let you know a little bit of what is going on here with us, and since I can’t have a post without pictures, here are some I took of Kalen at the beginning of the month in the backyard.
These next two crack me up! I love all her silly faces!
And these last two are “classic Kalen,” mouth wide open!
Hope your summer is off to a great start!!
Oh my goodness. Your daughter is adorable!!!
My kids don't have VBS until July. How cool is it that you are teaching. How fun!!
Glad to hear that you have both just been busy. I was wondering what happened to you both. I was so excited to get involved, then you both disappeared. But your message back was great, and I look forward to checking out what is up next month!!
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