Friday, February 22

Late Night Craving

This pregnant lady has been having cravings, mainly at night. Cookies, ice cream, mexican foods, spicy wings, anything that catches my eye! Well last night I saw a commercial for McDonald's and of course they had to show the fries. YUM! I said "ohhh....fries....that sounds soooo good right now!" Mike said that he would go get me some and I said "REALLY!?!"

Isn't he the best! I think so!

So at 9:00 last night I had some fries and a double Oreo McFlurry! YUM!!!

Thanks Hunny!


Kimberly said...

Too funny...that looks good.

Jessica, Calvin and Boomer said...

Oh that is so cute! Great husband you got there! Those fries are the bet fries out there!! Your baby is going to love everything, not a picky eater in there!

~Telah said...

What a great hubby! Especially letting you take a picture so you could blog it!!!

Jamie said...

That is so funny! Mike is such a great guy. Be sure to do a page about that in the baby's album. He/She will think that is so funny that Dad had to go get Mom fries during the middle of the night!

We miss you guys! Hope to see you soon!