Thursday, June 21

You know your getting old when.....

Lets have some fun with this. Lets see if we can really get some class participation. Here are the guidelines, Lets have each person come up with 3 things that you recall happening, thinking, seeing, or realizing, made you see, 'wow i'm getting old?!?. The catch, you can only post 1 event or comment at a time, and cannot post another one until 7 other people have posted one. And no repeats, you can 'AMEN' someone elses but come up with your own. That should give us 24 different 'you know your getting old when...' realizations, and when we get our 24 we can vote and come up with a top 10!!

I'll kick it off....
When Bri was in Michigan for some reason I just wanted to see the bed made, and I liked it. (it felt kinda weird making the bed) I stepped back and thought wow for 28 years I thought there was absolutely no point to making it, i'm going to mess it up anyways so what is the point. That is when I stepped back and said, 'huh, I must be getting old?!?' Not to mention a week later I discovered who really messes up the bed but, that is another topic.

Here Tyler wants to say hi,

jjjbmmmmvmmmb, bm nm nnn m n n nn nbnnb

as you can tell he types with his wrists on the table.

Any ways, Let's have fun with this.



Jessica, Calvin and Boomer said...

Well when I realized that I was getting old was when I got married! People keep telling me that I'm a Old Married Lady.

Brianna said...

I realized I'm getting old when I was in the car and said, "I'll come back there and spank if you don't stop"....oh my goodness I'm turning into my parents.

Anonymous said...

How about: you know your getting old when you find yourself saying things your mother used to say to (you when you were little)that your now telling your own childern...and of course you always would tell your mother I'll never say or make my kids do that...:) hahaha...

Anonymous said...

Get used to it Jess people will tell you that from here on out now that your married:)

Taylorville said...

You'll know you're old when you can't think of anything funny to say about getting old..
and you get grouchy just thinking about it!
subject closed!

Now go make your bed!

Anonymous said...

I don't know who steve is but amen to that one!:)

Brianna said...

Come on now people if we can't have fun with this then well I don't know but...

Hey Jess I want to hear what Calvin has to say....

p.s. Steve is my Dad


Taylorville said...

You'll know you're getting old when - You start planning your daily nap(s) at breakfast.
There's not really a bad nap time:) "That's another sign"

Tracy said...

Every year around your birthday you get a nice letter from social security telling you how much you've made and what you can expect when you retire. I find i am getting closer and closer to my expected money.

Jessica, Calvin and Boomer said...

you know your getting old when you here a song an you say I remember this song when I was little!

Brianna said...

so what was the song....

Brianna said...

I'd like to give a hearty 'AMEN' to the planning your nap at lunch. For me getting some type of nap in the afternoon on sunday makes my day. Depending on the lineup for saturdays I try to plan those in, I thought that was good time management. Vacations also are a good source of naps (especially in Alabama).

Brianna said...

You know your getting old when you can talk on the phone with your mom or little sister for hours ;)

Jessica, Calvin and Boomer said...

yeah i here that one bri! but it is fun. call me today so i can see tyler

Jessica, Calvin and Boomer said...

you know when your getting old when you talk about how your 401k is doing, instead of how your day is going!


Jessica, Calvin and Boomer said...

you know when your getting old when you sleep all day and don't want to play!


Brianna said...

I hear that, it is funny (haha) how our conversation changes and what we talk about. My favorite topic is the grocery list, talk about things that you take for granted growing up....Then having to pay for them your self, what is the world coming to. I think we are going to charge Tyler for food at about age 10 so that he doesn't go into schock of having to pay a full grocery bill, and cause I think he inherited his dad's stomach, and that isn't going to vote to well for the checkbook.


Brianna said...

I'm with you there BOOMER!!!


Jessica, Calvin and Boomer said...

ok i found your scrapbook page and i looked at your pages for tyler's book and there isn't a aunt jess page! what's up with that?

Anonymous said...

Hey Bri~thanks for the message...yeah when my sis was up last month for a visit we had gone shopping at Target, and the boy's saw those NBA sweat bands like the Pro's wear, and they just had to have them, so Leslie (my sister) had the idea of putting one of them on Carson to take a pic of it. It was really funny, cause he looked so serious the whole time...) So whats new with you guy's? I've just been busy cleaning out the basement closet...:( I'm making some progress I think...:) haha...anyway, Just wanted to pop by and say HELLO and that I MISS ya! Do you have instant messanger for Yahoo or MSN?